Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wormtrails…Butterfly Watching with Parag Rangnekar.

Butterfly watching with Parag Rangnekar began at 8:00 a.m. sharp from Earthworm Eco store with the participation of 30 butterfly enthusiasts.
In the two hour walk to Pilerne Lake, Parag led us through various aspects of butterfly watching: shared field skills for field identification of butterflies; their preference for certain garden and forest plants as host and food plants and their various life cycle stages. Participants were able to observe varied behavior of butterflies like basking, mimicry and feeding of nectar on food plants. A total of 22 species were sighted by during the walk that culminated at Earthworm Eco store.
In his power point presentation, Parag ran through some unique forest species of butterflies and explained basics of butterfly biology and their behavior sharing the butterfly diversity of Goa with the help of excellent photographs. He stressed upon the fact that in and around places like Green Valley where natural forests are turning into housing areas, the need to plant butterfly attracting plants in one’s garden and neighborhood is vital for their conservation.. The session ended with many curious questions of enthused participants.
All in all, the first in the series of ‘Wormtrails’ received a fantastic response. Please look forward to such monthly thematic interactions that aim to help us understand nature and its myriad wonders in our immediate neighborhoods.
We have to say a huge thank you to all our participants who made this event bigger and more exciting that we even imagined it would be.
Checklist of Butterflies sighted: -
1. Southern Birdwing
2. Common Mormon (male and female)
3. Great Eggfly
4. Crimson Rose
5. Common Grass yellow.
6. Small Grass yellow.
7. Sailor
8. Common crow
9. Gull.
10. Angled Castor
11. Skipper (unidentified)
12. Wanderer
13. Dark Grass blue.
14. Common Five ring.
15. Bush hopper
16. Common Bush brown
17. Commander
18. Yam Fly
19. Plain Tiger.
20. Angled Pierrot
21. Common Pierrot.
22. Red Pierrot.

Friday, November 13, 2009

WormTrails .......with Butterflies and Parag Rangnekar

It is the month of November and misty cool mornings are here to stay. Earthworm ecostore kicks off WormTrails…our monthly thematic walks to observe, understand and appreciate nature and its myriad wonders in our very own neighbourhood. The trails have been designed for adults and children alike who would love to learn a bit more about the plant and animal life they have always noticed and formed many curious questions about in their mind.
We all have always appreciated butterflies and know that they are important pollinators of plants and thus play an important role in our environment. but there is more….
What is a 'host' plant?, how does a butterfly find its way to one? what species of butterflies are common and which ones are not? how does a butterfly protect itself from its predators?how do we affect butterfly populations in our own neighbourhoods? ....…Earthworm invites you to look beyond the fluttering fragile beauty of a butterfly to understand its tenacious role in ecology.
Parag Rangnekar is the author of the widely popular field guide of Butterflies of Goa and also the state co-coordinator of the Goa Bird Conservation Network. He is also known amongst academic as well as conservation circles as a committed naturalist and wildlife photographer and has been instrumental in popularizing the hobby of butterfly watching in the state of Goa.
Parag will lead a trail that would start at Earthworm, the eco store at 8.00 am sharp and would culminate at 10.00 am after a walk in and around Green valley, a haven for butterflies. A talk and power point presentation on the Butterflies of Goa will also be taken for the participants at Earthworm from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm.
Date: 22nd November, 2009
Participation fee would be Rs. 100/-
Please register prior to the event either by email at earthwormgoa@gmail.com or call us 08322410871.
We would request all participants to arrive 10 minutes before time for the walk. Do bring along your breakfast, Earthworm would provide tea and its famous kokum juice.