Yes, it is that time of the year when the rains have slowed down and yet a carpet of greens covers our landscapes. It is a time too for don our field gear one more time and head out to the sprawling forests of the Northern Western Ghats on our trusted motorbikes and do what we do best- record Herpetofauna as we visit various eco systems and create awareness through talks and awareness programs in remote locations.
This time around we will aim to travel on motorbikes and will once again transect the states of Goa-Karnataka and Maharashtra.
While an elaborate network of roads does exist in the Northern Western Ghats of India, we will go off road too especially to visit small hamlets in deep forest locales and on unique high altitude plateaus.
Thus our field work will include documenting reptiles and amphibians in a variety of landscapes and localized eco systems thus providing ample opportunity to observe photograph and record this lesser known diversity of the Northern Western Ghats.
Amongst other things we will also witness some of the largest waterfalls in the country, help 2 local NGOS’s and a school and collect field data for two Herpetofauna surveys that are on in the region.
The Dates for the Expedition are- 30th Sept to 2nd Oct 2011 (will leave on 30th Sept 2011 morning and be back on 2nd Oct 2011 night.)
There are Limited seats for the expedition and scope for pillion riders too.
For more details email ophidian_nirmal@yahoo.co.in
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