Sunday, November 23, 2008

face to face with a green vine snake

the Green vine snake is by far the most commonly sighted snake by us herp guys in the wilds and yet, every time i see an individual I am not only fascinated but intrigued by this species. A good eyesight with what some say a binoculor like vision, a master at camoflauge and an amazing

rear fanged apparatus, this species is a made for the wilds. this sub adult had adapted the wait and watch approach for prey until it saw me, and yes, looked at me straight in the eye!

And well, thank God that pecking in the eye myth has by far been abolished and laid to rest, or else this image would have been considered as a proof by many a Goan. One of my favourite species the Green Vine snake is often misunderstood by many to borea hole in the head etc etc and is wantonly killed. the need of the hour is to create awareness especially amongst the younger generation and help conserve herpetofauna in the state as well as the country.

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